Nurture Health Solutions.

Everyone deserves to live a life free from negative emotional experiences. 

We facilitate change by acknowledging that information, supporting a shift in perception and guiding you to calmness and clarity, Your emotional freedom.

Health from the inside out.

At Nurture Health Solutions we believe that everyone should have the potential to be happy, feel safe and live their best life with freedom and light.  We focus on facilitating the search for the answers in you, so you feel the change from the inside out.

We will listen to what you want to achieve and be guided by your progress.  It is our priority to keep you feeling safe, supported and moving forward in your life.

The thing is not the thing!

The situations and events that have formed you as a person, are often unconscious.  It is not until we feel some discomfort that we realise these programs, stories and patterns may no longer be serving us.

Michelle is an industry leading EFT practitioner. Having done her training with Dr Peta Stapleton, the world leader in EFT research you can say she has been trained by the best! Michelle has led facilitation of EFT clinical trials for Dr Stapleton and featured in numerous media coverage on EFT.

You may search EFT tapping on the internet and follow generic tap along videos, however the whole underpinning of this technique is that the scripting is the words, feelings and experience of the client.  Incorporating this, along-side her ability to connect with the heart of her clients, relate intuitively and actively listen provides a holistic healing environment.

If you are ready to change and move forward in your life, Michelle will welcome the honour to create a safe space and guide you every step of the way.

We offer services to support your emotional wellbeing.


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Cancer Support & Wellbeing

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Life Transitions

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Emotional Freedom

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FREE Emotional Freedom Techniques Handbook

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FREE Emotional Freedom Techniques Handbook

Join my mailing list to receive my FREE Emotional Freedom Techniques Handbook which will allow you to gain a better understanding of EFT and how to apply it to your everyday life. 

Our regular eNewsletters contain news & updates about EFT Trainings, workshops, tips and examples of how to apply EFT to your every day life and EFT first aid. 

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